system environment/libraries
- HdrHistogram_c6php-libs - A High Dynamic Range (HDR) Histogram C library
- cassandra-cpp-driver - DataStax C/C++ Driver for Apache Cassandra
- libcouchbase - Couchbase client library
- libcouchbase-libev - Couchbase client library - libev IO back-end
- libcouchbase-libevent - Couchbase client library - libevent IO back-end
- libcouchbase-libuv - Couchbase client library - libuv IO back-end
- liblqr-1 - LiquidRescale library
- php72-php-embedded - PHP library for embedding in applications
- php72-php-enchant - Enchant spelling extension for PHP applications
- php72-php-intl - Internationalization extension for PHP applications
- php72-php-json - JavaScript Object Notation extension for PHP
- php72-php-pspell - A module for PHP applications for using pspell interfaces
- php72-php-recode - A module for PHP applications for using the recode library
- php72-php-sodium - Wrapper for the Sodium cryptographic library
- php73-php-embedded - PHP library for embedding in applications
- php73-php-enchant - Enchant spelling extension for PHP applications
- php73-php-intl - Internationalization extension for PHP applications
- php73-php-json - JavaScript Object Notation extension for PHP
- php73-php-pspell - A module for PHP applications for using pspell interfaces
- php73-php-recode - A module for PHP applications for using the recode library
- php73-php-sodium - Wrapper for the Sodium cryptographic library
- php74-php-embedded - PHP library for embedding in applications
- php74-php-enchant - Enchant spelling extension for PHP applications
- php74-php-ffi - Foreign Function Interface
- php74-php-intl - Internationalization extension for PHP applications
- php74-php-json - JavaScript Object Notation extension for PHP
- php74-php-pspell - A module for PHP applications for using pspell interfaces
- php74-php-sodium - Wrapper for the Sodium cryptographic library
- remi-librdkafka - Apache Kafka C/C++ client library