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php-guzzlehttp-guzzle6 - PHP HTTP client library
- Website:
- Licence:
- Vendor:
- Remi's RPM repository <> #StandWithUkraine
- Description:
Guzzle is a PHP HTTP client that makes it easy to send HTTP requests and trivial
to integrate with web services.
* Simple interface for building query strings, POST requests, streaming large
uploads, streaming large downloads, using HTTP cookies, uploading JSON data,
* Can send both synchronous and asynchronous requests using the same interface.
* Uses PSR-7 interfaces for requests, responses, and streams. This allows you
to utilize other PSR-7 compatible libraries with Guzzle.
* Abstracts away the underlying HTTP transport, allowing you to write
environment and transport agnostic code; i.e., no hard dependency on cURL,
PHP streams, sockets, or non-blocking event loops.
* Middleware system allows you to augment and compose client behavior.
Autoloader: /usr/share/php/GuzzleHttp6/autoload.php